Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk

They hadn't gone far when they met an old man.
"What a fine cow," he said.
"Where are you taking her?"
"To market," replied Jack.
"Then go no further. I'll buy her." The old man reached deep into his pocket and took out... five dried beans. "Beans?" said Jack.
"Magic beans," answered the man. "Plant them today and you'll see a beanstalk reaching to the clouds by morning."
"Wow! That's amaginh," said Jack.
h beans owned by a old man.

Today I read Jack and the Beanstalk in Usborne young reading.
Jack the poor boy exchanged his cow for a strange five drived beans that an old man had. Next day Jack looked closer and saw a massive plant, reaching up to the sky. Juck climbed beans tree and found the house of a giant. So Jack stralthe hen lays gold eggs. The giant was pounding after Jack, but Jack chopped down beanstalk. Finally the whole beanstalk toppled to the ground, flinging the giant over the distant hills.

