Quiz Night

John says, " Ji-Sung, what's the capital of Thailand?"
"It's Bangkok, "Ji-Sung answer. "Why do you ask?" he asks.
"Oh, you know that!" says john. "it's okay."
Ji-Sung asks, "John, why are you asking?"
" It's the next question," John replies.
"What? It's the nexquestion? Oh no!" he says.
"I can't win now!"
"But, you know the answer...," says John.
"Yes, but I know the question!" Ji-Sung says.
He is very angry with John.

Ji-Sung is John’s friend. Ji-Sung is going to be in the Quiz Night. John wants to win him, so John tell him the answer to the next question. But Ji-Sung is very angry. Finally he is not answer.

