
She lives in a garden, in a flower.
There are a lot of flowers in the garden.
Thumbelina has a beautiful voice and shloves singing. When she sings the flowers open and all the animals listen to her. One day a toad from the pound hears Thumbelina is voice, "What a beautiful voice?", he says "I am going to see who it is."
The toad goes into Thumbelina is garden.
"That girl has got a lovely voice and she is very pretty too. I want to marry her!"

So the toad takes Thumbelina to the pound, she is very sad. Thumbelinawants to go back to her garden, but she doesn't know the way. One day a mouse sees Thumbelina, and Thumbelina goes to the mouse is house. There she sees a wounded swallow. She looks aftethe swallow, so the swallow gets better. Finally the swallow looks for her garden, Thumbelina and the Flower Rrince are
getting married.

