The Happy Prince

"Goodbye, dear Prince!" he whispers. "Can I kiss your hand?"
"I am happy that you are going to Egypt at last, little Swallow," says the Prince. "Kiss me on the lips, for I love you ."
"I am not going to Egypt," says the Swallow.

Happy prince is a statue the city, he is covered all over with thin leaves of gold, for eyes he has two bright sapphires, and there is a large red ruby on his sword. The people of the town admire him very much but the people say he is not useful. One day he encountere little Swallow. The Swallow is alone because his friends are in Egypt. At first he decide to go to his friends but he decide to be a Happy Prince. The Swallow delivers the Prince's jewels to the people who are in trouble because Happy Prince cannot move. The Prince gives all his jwel. He is dull and grey. He is truky a Happy Prince. The last scene where the Swallow and Happy Prince say goodbye, and it is most impressive. It is difficult for me to truly happiness. So what do you think is true happiness?

