A Christmas Carol

"Listen to me!" cried the Ghost.
"I will," said Scrooge. "But please don't be hard on me, Jacob!"
"I don't know why I am visible to you now. I have sat invisible beside your many times."
It was not a nice idea. Scrooge trembled at the thought of it.

Scrooge is a cold, greed, mean, old man. One day his nephew invite him a Chiristmas party. He curse his nephew, and go hom, Marley, lergyman, the clerk, the undertaker  who died seven years ago appear and the ghost of Marley inform Scrooge of his misery, that Scrooge may not, Marley say that three spirits will appear in the future. As predicted, a pirit called " Chistmas Ghost" appears. And than
taking Scrooge with them, he travels through the past, present, and future worlds, where he sees himself. Scrooge awake, seeing his gave, with his miserable death in the future. Finally he become a good man.

