'Where are you going?' shouts Bill. 'There's nothing on that road. Do you have any water? The sun's very hot. Can you hear me?' 

 Bill wants to go home. His home is about a hundred killometers away. At that moment, Bill sees a man. He stops in his car and he talks to man but the man doesn't speak. However, in this road at Australia, very very hot and near the road are sombones - a dead kangaroo... Bill think the man is tired or ill. Bill opens the car door and put him in his car. Bill goes into the house and tells his wife, Emily, about the man. Who is he? What is the phone number?  The man asleep, so they look in his pockets. There is a name... Jhon Phillips and a telephone number. The man have some money but this money is twenty five years old! Bill and Emily are afraid and they call the Flying Doctor. After an hour the Flying Doctor arrives in his plane. The doctor put Jhon in the plane and he take him to hospital. Soon the doctor and Jhon philips are high in the sky. Suddenly Jhon speaks for the first time and Jhon stands up in the plane. Then.... Jhon jums!!!!  Has he died? The story of this book is very very mysterious. Pleas read it...

